Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Letras by the Colombian band, Aterciopelados, written by Hector Buitrago and Andrea Echeverri from their album "Oye."
Aterciopelados website:

Eres mi complemento
You are my complement
Eres lo que no soy
You are what I’m not
Todo se vuelve perfecto
All becomes perfect
Cuando contigo voy
When I go with you

Me das lo que me faltaba
You give me what I was lacking
Lo que antes me disgustaba
What before I disliked
Mi mitad de la naranja
My half of the orange
Empieza donde tu acabas
Starts where you end

El agua que aviva el fuego
The water that stokes the fire
El norte que viaja al sur
The north that travels to the south
Lo rápido que va lento
The quick thing that goes slowly
La luna que abraza al sol
The moon that hugs the sun

Me enamoré de lo inverso
I fell in love with everything inverse
Y completé el universo
And I completed the universe
Se besan los dos extremos
The two extremes kiss
Yo cóncavo y tu convexo
I concave and you convex

Mirar lo mismo
To look at the same thing
Y ver contrarios
And to see opposites
Querer que el cielo este en la tierra
To want the sky to be in the earth
Soñar fundirnos juntar los polos
To dream to fuse us with the poles

Eres mi complemento
You are my complement
Eres lo que no soy
You are what I’m not
Todo se vuelve perfecto
All becomes perfect
Cuando contigo voy
When I go with you

Watch the music video for "Complemento":

Andrea Echeverri of Aterciopelados performing March 24, 2007 at the House of Blues in Anaheim, California. The scarf she is wearing of the colors of Colombia (yellow, blue and red) was proudly made a mano by Daina Adrian.

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